Apologies for any translation errors.

Tinyhouse, mould & intolerances
On this blog, you will find articles on mold prevention in tiny houses and a construction report for multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS).

Mould prevention
Mold is a significant issue for tiny house dwellers, but it’s rarely discussed in construction forums. Tiny houses are structurally particularly susceptible, and mold spores can be detrimental to health. There’s a lack of good and concise information, so as a layperson, I hope to help with this blog in building as mold-resistant as possible. You can find details, in the articles on wall construction, ventilation, mould prevention checklist and many more.

Building with intolerances
Here you will find a construction report for multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) and a mast cell disease. I had to individually test all the materials used for tolerability. However, the results do not allow any general conclusions to be drawn about the healthiness of the materials and are not a benchmark for those without health issues.
This part of the blog is likely only of interest to other affected individuals.


Checklist for preventing mold growth in tiny houses

Winterproof tiny house

Why a tiny house on wheels and not a regular building?
I have severe intolerances to many common building materials. Despite a long and exhaustive search, I couldn’t find a tolerable home. At the same time, I have found that, depending on the time of year, a previously well-tolerated place of residence can become very problematic for me (e.g. wood-burning stoves in the neighbourhood, agriculture). This led to the decision to build a tiny house on wheels.
How much does a tiny house cost?
There is no general answer to this question, the Tinyhouse cost around €70,000. It’s a lot of money and unfortunately a common price for well-built tiny houses. Considering the numerous complex solutions, it was even comparatively “moderate.”
(There is an urgent need for more living space for people with severe intolerances. So, if you happen to have a property for rent and are willing to renovate with low-emission materials, please feel free to contact me.)
How do I find a pitch?
In Germany, pitches for tiny houses are extremely rare. I was extremely lucky to meet very kind and understanding property owners. Unfortunately, there are no other pitches here.
It’s essential that you find a pitch before you start building – at least here in Germany.

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